“Lullaby for Charlie Hunt” by Bob Rich

A happy, young boy is now ready for sleep

Just close your eyes, and our prayers you can keep

Your smile is remembered, you charmed everyone

Your father and mother will see justice done

Tonight, you can doze on a bright angel’s wing

And we’ll help you rest with a lullaby to sing.


When you’re a small boy, you haven’t a care

You carried your red bouncing ball everywhere

Watching the world through your innocent eyes

Looking for laughter and fun and surprise

By the nighttime, find a blanket to bring

And we’ll help you rest with a lullaby to sing.


We still have the pictures of memories and joys

You went for a ride and you played with your toys

You liked cheesy crackers and white chocolate bars

Now you are safe somewhere up in the stars

You’ll be alright, the night sky is sparkling

And we’ll help you rest with a lullaby to sing.


Learn more about Charlie Hunt:



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