Who Is We by Todd Hudzinski
Who Is We
by Todd Hudzinski, (January 1984)
This plight we share
In all it consists of humanity, it’s ignorance
It’s belonging, it’s peace of mind and body
We need time for reflection and dreams
A life separate, alone to contemplate
The course of deliverance
Too many times we are caught up in ourselves
And thus, we forget our plight
There is a space in our life where we need nothing
Except time which always is, never was
But then there is remorse, for we are behind
Too young to manifest the reality thus conceptualized
And who is we but me
Somewhere and somehow attainment be not denied
Attainment acheived through releasement
Expect nothing and be not disillusioned
For it is all too simple to be misconstrued by complexity
Which leads inevitably to false starts and hopes
To be humbled is blissful and serene
And intelligence gained through it will not be
Misrepresentation of true knowledge.